Preliminary Evaluation

1) Why did you choose this particular recreation and how does it link to your main production?
I chose to recreate a mental health campaign advert, as I am going to create a mental health awareness advert for my linked production. 

2) What difficulties did you face in producing this recreation?
I spent too much time finding an advert to recreate and it was quite difficult to find one that linked to my topic. I have difficulty with the camera movement- I had to recreate the tracking shot which was difficult to do using just a camera and tripod. Also it was hard to find a similar setting so I had to use my editing software to recreate the police lineup in the background

3) What are the strengths of the production?
Good use of soundtrack and sound effects. Good lighting and camera angels. Good performances- facial expressions. Good post-production techniques e.g background. Overall, close to original.

4) What aspects would you look to improve?
Tracking shot, camera wobble, attention to detail and mise en scene.

5) What lessons will you take from this process that will help you with your main production?
I need to plan more efficiently and work on my camera and editing skills.
6) Now that you are ready to start your actual linked production, explain clearly what you will be creating and how confident you are in delivering this.

I am going to create a mental health awareness advert, in which a character is seen explaining her problems to a therapist (this is made unclear however). The video will be a split screen where we can actually see the events and abuse she has experienced while she talks about them. Towards the end the split screen slowly transitions into one screen and a panning shot will reveal that she is actually speaking to no-one. The message will therefore touch upon how talking to someone is crucial to helping teens. I am confident that this will definitely be an improvement from my last production as I will be working by myself and will therefore have more freedom to use various media techniques.


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