Ignite presentations: Learner response

Feedback- Mr Bush 

Significance: 4/5
Structure: 4/5
Simplicity: 4/5
Rehearsal: 4/5
Overall: 16/20- 80%

WWW:  Good textual analysis of the suicide scene- included audience response. The slides were well designed, with good use of gifs. Reference to representation theory, such as Medhurst and Dyer. You explored wider contexts by referring to issues and debates such as youth alienation and psychological issues amongst youngsters. Good reference to Netflix and other texts. You also linked it to new and digital media/ social media. The presentation also covers audience demographics and pleasures. You had a very good conclusion, with reference to your own views. Overall, it was a very methodical approach.

EBI: You could have included more background context, and expressed your own views (critical autonomy) on wider issues and debates. There was too much text on ''reading'' slides. You could have also improved your body language (look at the audience). Furthermore, you could have developed your research on Netflix (this could have been put at the start)- talk about the growth of institution. Finally, elaborate on audience theory- ''effects debate'' & ''copycat theory''- also mention moral panic.

Self Assessment
WWW: I covered the key MIGRAIN concepts and provided a structured response to my topic. I used relevant gifs and images to support the point I was making in each slide. I linked 13 reasons why, to other texts (produced or distributed by the same institutions). I also mentioned my own opinion at the end of the slides to conclude my presentation.

EBI: I think I could have elaborated on ''audience''- look at the ways in which audiences consume the text, whilst supporting this with media terminology and theory  e.g contagion theory, copycat theory. Furthermore I could have also looked at the stars of the show and their thoughts on whether not the show romanticizes suicide. In particular, I could have mentioned Selena Gomez, who was the executive producer, and how her status influenced the consumption of the show (maybe some quotes or interviews could have been helpful).

My presentation summarizes the key MIGRAIN concepts of the show and the topic of ''How the show romanticizes suicide?'', however, I would need to elaborate on these concepts for my critical investigation. I also need to do more research and find out about the international coverage of the show and how different people responded to it. Also in my critical investigation I could refer to ways in which the topic of suicide is relevant now with reference to recent media. One good example of this would be Logic's latest song ''1-800-273-8255'' which touches upon the idea of suicide not being discussed as openly as it should  in today's society.


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